I find the new Firefox 3 beta 5 unbelievable. It is much faster than the older version. But one of the new "features" bothers me a lot. I don't like the new address-bar autocomplete function. The location bar is now very clever, and if you start typing a word, it will look for all similar words and tags in your bookmarks and history. This is all swell if you don't know the exact url where you want to go, but most of the time i do. Then this option becomes counter-intuitive.
And frankly, i don't like how it looks. It is too big. Too much in my face.
Maybe i still need to get used to it.
But there is an alternative. There are two ways in which the behaviour of the urlbar can be configured.
If you type "about:config" in your location bar, you can configure Firefox 3 beta 5. If you then look for the browser.urlbar
there are two relevant settings:
, and you get more or less the same behaviour as before, it will only match on url, but it will still sport the new lookSo it is up to you, which you prefer.
Mind you, if privacy is the issue, like embarassing url's popping up while typing an url (who likes to admit an unhealthy Disney addiction), record-keeping in Firefox can now easily be disabled. Just open Extra-\>Options-\>Privacy
and unselect the "keep history for at least ..." checkbox.
i need ur software
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