using content_for jquery on document ready

In my Rails application i use a generic application.rhtml for all my pages. Amongst others, this code contains some jQuery code to manipulate my page [javascript] var $j = jQuery.noConflict() $j(document).ready(function() { // remove all alt-tags $j("[alt]").removeAttr("alt"); // validate all forms $j("form").validate({ errorPlacement: function(error, element) { error.appendTo( element.parent() ); }}); }); [/javascript] The things i do in my document ready callback is simple: remove the alt attribute everywhere, so my tooltips will work on my links containing images, and if there is a form on the page i validate it. Now for one form, i need to add special code, so that when a user fills something in a field, a select-box looses some options. The ideal place to do this, is in the document ready. But not for all pages. How do i solve this in some elegant way, and not use a different layout for that page. I choose to use yield and content_for. Like this. Add the following line : [javascript] var $j = jQuery.noConflict() $j(document).ready(function() { // remove all alt-tags $j("[alt]").removeAttr("alt"); <%= yield :script %> // validate all forms $j("form").validate({ errorPlacement: function(error, element) { error.appendTo( element.parent() ); }}); }); [/javascript] and in my view i write: [ruby] <% content_for :script do %> var allOptions = $j('#mention_thm_classification option').clone(); $j('#mention_thm_reference_local').change(function() { var filter_txt = '.ref-'; if (!$j(this).val()) { filter_txt = filter_txt + 'empty'; } else { filter_txt = filter_txt + 'filled'; }; $j('#mention_thm_classification').html(allOptions.filter(filter_txt)); }); <% end %> [/ruby] So what i actually do is, check whether the value of a field changes. When it contains something a select-list with id mention_thm_classification is changed, and only the options with the correct class are kept. For completeness, my select is built as follows: [html] <select name="mention[thm_classification]" id="mention_thm_classification" > <option value='1' style='background-color: #b7f9e2' class="ref-empty " >Green</option> <option value='2' style='background-color: #ffdebb' class="ref-empty " >Orange</option> <option value='3' style='background-color: #ffbbc6' class="ref-empty ref-filled" selected="selected">Red</option></select> [/html] So i have described a nice way to add extra code to my document ready function without needing a special layout-page. And experienced for the umpteenth time how great jQuery is.

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